Recipe for the weekend Mchemsho recipe of banana and meat

This is one of the special dishes served in the north of Tanzania. This dish is only prepared on occasions as it it’s ingredients are more expensive than other local dishes. Though it is really worth it. During preparation you can choose to mix vegetables with meat or fish.




6 green bananas

Beef (half kilo)

Potato 2

onion swaum



1 large tomato

Oil (vegetable oil)






Boil the meat with lemon, swaum onion, ginger, salt and water volume to cook meat, and soup sure you left much for laying on ndizi.Kisha sliced ​​tomatoes and onions and set aside .Menya then zichemshe bananas and potatoes with onions, tomatoes, a little water, fuel and ensure the absolute ziivi. After that put meat and its broth, whole black pepper and salt and let boil over until bananas and potatoes viive.Na your mchemsho thereafter will be ready to be eaten



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