Garri Crusted Chicken

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5 Pieces
Chicken Drumsticks
1 cup
1 cup
Bread Crumbs
2 table spoon
Suya Spice
1 table spoon
Dry Pepper
1 teaspoon
Ginger Powder
1 teaspoon
Garlic Powder
1 teaspoon
Dried Herbs
3 table spoon
Garri Crusted Chicken

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  1. Season your chicken and allow to marinate.
  2. In a bowl, mix the garri, breadcrumbs, seasoning cubes, suya spice, garlic powder, ginger powder, dried herbs and pepper.
  3. Whisk your eggs in a small bowl and set aside.
  4. Place your chicken in the garri breadcrumb mix, move it to the bowl of the egg and place in there and back in the garri breadcrumb mix and set aside.
  5. Heat up your vegetable oil and deep fry your chicken at first on high heat for a minute and then on medium heat to allow the chicken cook if you did not pre-cook it.
  6. Blend your ketchup and peppers and serve with the garri crusted chicken.
  7. Related Website:

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